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Low voltage iron core series reactor

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  • Date of issue:2022/06/07 15:49:10
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Detailed introduction

The low-voltage series reactor is suitable for reactive power compensation and harmonic control systems, and is connected in series with capacitors to form a reactive power compensation device. Series electricity

The reactor is used in series with the compensation capacitor. Its function is to form a filter channel for harmonics, reduce the harmonics flowing into the system, and increase the frequency of

It can eliminate the harm of harmonics to capacitors and other electrical equipment, and protect capacitors and electrical equipment to work safely and normally.

In practical applications, according to the number of high-order harmonic voltages, the series reactor should choose an appropriate reactance rate, so that the capacitor circuit can operate at a certain harmonic frequency.

It is inductive under the frequency, thereby eliminating the parallel resonance of the system (generally 7% for the 5th and 7th harmonics. 14% for the 3rd harmonic).


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Xinxiang New Future Electric Co., Ltd.
record number:Henan ICP No. 18015545

Company address: No. 200, Deyuan West Road, High-tech Zone, Xinxiang City, Henan Province



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